Katie May Boyle is an artist and photographer. Born in the United States, she is also an Irish citizen and a resident of Mexico. She spends time in Asia, Europe, the U.S., and Latin America with her wife, Yael.  

She is a highly sensitive person, using art as a means of therapy.

In her current series, Katie draws inspiration from her travels, both outward and inward, merging her photography into collages and applying layers of digital paint and other media. This syncretic process results in surreal tapestries that simultaneously explore both the physical world and the artist’s profound inner experience.

The work is inspired by Katie’s higher self, past lives, and lucid dreams, as well as the translation of communications obtained through the consultation of oracle cards, ancient runes, and the untempered, volcanic emotions invariably borne of human existence. The pieces are produced at a large scale in order to fully perceive the layers of meaning and messages nested within.

Katie May Boyle’s work has been shown around the world.